Gac fruit oil

Gac fruit oil - Gac is a food used in our country for a long time, has a lot of health and beauty. In gac contains more beta-carotene when the body turns into vitamin A, beta-carotene content of gac double carrots. Contains Alphatocopherol (Vitamin E), Lycopene (a powerful antioxidant belonging to the Carotene group) is very good for the skin, has a skin effect, brightens the skin, cools the skin and moisturizes the skin.
·        100% pure product is not flavored.
·        The product can be used directly as a massage.
·        Whitening effect, acne and freckles.
·        Effective within 2 months of imprisonment, should be used regularly to achieve the highest benefit.
·        Moisturize and prevent dryness,
·        Support for cardiovascular disease, stroke,
·        Helps lax, good for digestion,
·        Anti-stretch before and after birth.

·        Used in food processing

MOQ: 1 container 20"
Place of origin: Vietnam
HEAD OFFICE: 20/9 Dinh Bo Linh Street, Ward 24, Binh Thanh District, 
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
PHONE: +84 2835117925

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